Project Idea

As discussed in class, your project can involve any of a variety of themes. In particular, you may build an application, develop a platform, perform data analysis, or conduct a simulation–anything that demonstrates a connection to natural language processing, involves nontrivial effort, and enhances (your and others') knowledge.

I encourage brevity, hence the word limits for several of the writing tasks. In a single-space format, a page is about 400 words.

Project Report R0 (10 points)

As the next deliverable (R1), I ask for a formal project proposal. The following description is a precursor of what the next deliverable will be (I will revise it based on the work you submit). In the present deliverable (R0), please just approximate R1 as much as possible, so your R1 effort is simplified.

In particular, at the outset (for R0b) you can begin with a half or full page description of your idea, covering as much of the following as you can.

For R0b, it is fine to submit two ideas and I can advise you on which is better for this course. Subsequently, please submit exactly one idea and deliverables for that idea.

I won't assign grades to R0 but submitting it is mandatory. Those who submit R0 will earn the same points on R0 as on R1.

Project Report R1 (10 points)

Project Report R2 (10 points)

Project Report R3 (40 points)

Term Paper, due with Report R3 (100 points, separate from the project, and to be scaled as indicated on the main course syllabus)