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Course Policies

These are the policies followed by Professor Munindar P. Singh in his courses.

The university, college, and department policies against academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. Students may obtain copies of the NCSU Code of Student Conduct from the Office of Student Conduct. Dr. Singh and the Department of Computer Science aggressively enforce policies against academic dishonesty.

Unless otherwise specified, every gradable part of the course requires individual work. Students may discuss problems with each other, but the solutions must reflect their individual understanding. All kinds of collusion will be subject to disciplinary action. Students must acknowledge sources such as books (other than the textbook) and old assignments. Unacknowledged use of any such material is subject to disciplinary action. Any attempts to circumvent computing system security or interfere with others' work will also be subject to disciplinary action.

Homework and project deadlines will be hard. Late homeworks will be be accepted with a 10% reduction in grade for each class period they are late by. However, once a homework is discussed in class, submissions will no longer be accepter. Late project assignments will be accepted only under exceptional circumstances. All assignments must be turned in before the start of class on the due date.

Students are responsible for getting on the official course email list (I will send a test message; contact the TA if you don't receive it), and for monitoring their email for any course-related announcements.

Exam Instructions

You may leave at any time till 15 minutes before closing. After that you must remain seated till the end. The exams are closed-book. However, a one-page crib sheet (plus the sheets for previous tests, if any) may be used. Crib sheets may not be shared. Collusion or cheating of any form are forbidden. You can be asked to explain your solutions verbally. There are no trick questions here. Feel free to make additional assumptions, but be prepared to justify them. You can get partial credit for an English description.

Homework Instructions

Some of the homeworks will be collaborative. For those homeworks, you are encouraged to form teams of 1-3 members (of students in this class). After discussing the problem, please write up your answers individually. Indicate the names of the other members in your team, if any.