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Readings for CSC691d: Advanced Database Management

Here is a list of papers, mostly extracted from the textbooks. There might some enhancements to this list.

To read and present

  1. Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Mark Hornick, and Amit Sheth, An Overview of Workflow Management: From Process Modeling to Workflow Automation Infrastructure. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 3(2), Apr 1995.
  2. Bill Curtis, Marc I. Kellner, and Jim Over, Process Modeling. Communications of the ACM, 35(9): 75-90, Sep 1992.
  3. Krithi Ramamritham and Panos K. Chrysanthis, A Taxonomy of Correctness Criteria in Database Applications.. The VLDB Journal, 5(1): 85-97, Jan 1996.
  4. Charles T. Davies, Jr., Data Processing Spheres of Control. IBM Systems Journal, 17(2):179-198, 1978.
  5. Breitbart et al., Transaction Management in Multidatabase Systems. In Kim, chapter 28.
  6. Nodine & Zdonik, The Impact of Transaction Management on Object-Oriented Multidatabase Views. In Bukhres & Elmagarmid, chapter 3.
  7. Bukhres et al., The Integration of Database Systems. In Bukhres & Elmagarmid, chapter 2.
  8. Navathe & Savasere, A Schema Integration Facility Using Object-Oriented Data Model. In Bukhres & Elmagarmid, chapter 4.
  9. Papazoglou et al., Object-Oriented Technology for Interschema and Language Mappings. In Bukhres & Elmagarmid, chapter 6.
  10. Meng & Yu, Query Processing in Multidatabase Systems. In Kim, chapter 27.
  11. Pitoura et al., Object-Oriented Multidatabase Systems: An Overview. In Bukhres & Elmagarmid, chapter 10.
  12. Soley & Kent, The OMG Object Model. In Kim, chapter 2.
  13. Munindar P. Singh, Toward Interaction-Oriented Programming. Technical Report TR-96-15, Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University, May 1996.
  14. Gio Wiederhold, Peter Wegner, and Stefano Ceri, Toward Megaprogramming. Communications of the ACM, 35(11): 89-99, Nov 1992.

To read, possibly to present

  1. Database Systems: Achievements and Opportunities Into the 21st Century, aka the Laguanita report.
  2. Andreas Reuter and Friedemann Schwenkreis, ConTracts - A Low-Level Mechanism for Building General-Purpose Workflow Management Systems. IEEE Data Engineering, 18(1):4-10, Mar 1995.
  3. Munindar P. Singh and Michael N. Huhns, Automating Workflows for Service Order Processing: Integrating AI and Database Technologies. IEEE Expert, volume 9, number 5, October 1994
  4. Craig A. Knoblock, Yigal Arens, and Chun-Nan Hsu, Cooperating Agents for Information Retrieval. International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, 122-133, 1994.
  5. Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh, and Tomasz Ksiezyk Global Information Management via Local Autonomous Agents. FGCS Workshop on Heterogeneous Cooperative Knowledge Bases, Tokyo, Japan, December 1994.
  6. Gio Wiederhold, Mediators in the Architecture of Future Information Systems. IEEE Computer, 25(3):38-49, Mar 1992.
  7. Rusinkiewicz & Sheth, Specification and Execution of Transactional Workflows. In Kim, chapter 29.
  8. Hurson & Bright, Object-Oriented Multidatabase Systems. In Bukhres & Elmagarmid, chapter 1.
  9. Garcia-Solaco et al., Semantic Heterogeneity in Multidatabase Systems. In Bukhres & Elmagarmid, chapter 5.
  10. Kim, Intro to Part 2. In Kim, chapter 25.
  11. Kim et al., On Resolving Semantic Heterogeneity in Multidatabase Systems. In Kim, chapter 26.
  12. Su et al., HKBMS: An Integrated Heterogeneous Knowledge Base Management System. In Bukhres & Elmagarmid, chapter 17.
  13. Breitbart & Reyes, Overview of the ADDS System. In Kim, chapter 33.
  14. Woelk et al., Carnot Prototype. In Bukhres & Elmagarmid, chapter 18.
  15. Mullen at al., InterBase*: A Multidatabase System. In Bukhres & Elmagarmid, chapter 19.
